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Fresh Made Overnite Blogger Site

 A Quick and Dirty Project Blogger really does deserve some love. Last night and this afternoon I built this volunteer website for an amazing organization: Conceptualized, Designed, Graphics, and Wrote the Text and Edited it, Added the Plugins and now I am off on...

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Happiness is OUT OF CONTROL

When the Monkey Stole My Wildman raging noise filled my head,  peace and authenticity left, the firm ground fell away... the noise of fear filled my gas tank as I roared off to chase the monkey. Panicked, I grabbed the steering wheel, anxiety raced through me. The...

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My Anti-Flu Tincture

My Anti-Flu Tincture

My dad's property has Mexican elderberries going on it (Sambucus mexicana or nigra or canadensis - the name seems unsettled). They are native to California and actually I find them beautiful. Elderberries decrease length of flu infections by 65% This is an old...

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Talk Aloha Logo

This logo was for a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony company in Hawaii. The red bird is the Apapane, a surviving native bird. The flower is the 5-petaled plumeria.

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OSX Mavericks and The Unclosable Bookmarks UI Fail

I can't help but view Apple's introduction of OS X Mavericks as a punt. A filler update, the extra verbage in your term paper – Mavericks doesn't cost anything because it isn't worth much. Then there is this. I keep trying to close the bookmarks, clicking on the close...

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Mt Gox Contest

Mt Gox Contest

Client Brief Mt Gox announced online they wanted an  identity program. Mt Gox, was a Bitcoin clearinghouse in Japan. The company died after having been hacked for a massive amount of bitcoin. Apparently, I won! They called me. Unfortunately I could not understand what...

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Scratch Users Community

I am building a Buddypress portal and community site for users of Scratch, from Assimilate. Scratch is a digital convergent toolset for the movie and media industry. It's built on J query masonry, so everything is in little boxes of widgetized posts. These posts then...

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