Anti-Covid Lunch

Plants against disease, at lunch. Recruiting plants to fight against Covid, RSV, and influenza.

January 3, 2022

How I Fight the Winter Sick

Once again, like 2023, 2024 brings us with another wave of winter respiratory infections.

Table of anti-Covid foods
Elderberry tincture label, homemade

Updated 22 Nov 2022

We are facing a wave of respiratory diseases: Covid, RSV and Flu

COVID Defense

  1. CBD – 90% Reduction in Covid, both drops and vapes
  2. Supplements: Vitamins & Anti-Inflamatories that act on cytokines (Extracts of Tumeric, Green Tea, Quercetin, etc.)
  3. Honeysuckle Bud Tea
  4. Probiotics like Kiefer, Miso
  5. Raw Cabbage, Sauerkraut, Kim Chi and Coleslaw


  1. Honeysuckle Tea
  2. Elderberrry – Even Jam or Syrup


Chinese Skullcap (link), Sophora root, Plantago asiatica and Clerodendrum trichotomum (linkand the publically unavailable Phospholipid POPG Inhaler (it’s available in the hospital).


I get my vaccines every year, because I have damaged lungs from San Joaquin Valley fever. And it works apparently, my program of vaccination seems to have led to a much lower incidents of respiratory infections.

NOTE: links to research and warnings below/in link.


The Setting

For my anti-Covid lunch I create a setting. Meaning a Buddhisty positive-thinking, gratitude-infused view to remind me that I haven’t died yet. I haven’t even been intubated. But more about the setting later.




Blunting Covid with Food, Herbs, Supplements and Attitude

picture of lunch with labels
Herbal pills in a little bowl
Antique cannabis medicine bottle

#1: CBD = 90% Reduction

The blue Vape is full of cannabidiol, a medical extract of marijuana that doesn’t make you high. But it does block Covid at a whopping 90%. 3000 people who are daily CBD users were followed and the results during the pandemic was it their Covid levels were 90% below those of non-CBD users. This works against ALL VARIANTS.

 Note: Switching to Drops 

Tomorrow, my three bottles of CBD Oil arrive will be switching to three drops a day under my tongue. And only using the Vape before I go into Walmart. There’s some concern that vaping of any kind isn’t good for your lungs and that’s the last thing you wanna do , cuz I like lungs.

What does CBD do?

  • LOCK BLOCK – The Covid virus has a key that unlocks cells, and it appears CBD shuts down most of those locks. Meaning that Covid can’t find a way into the cell.
  • CYTOKINE CALMING – CBD is an anti-inflammatory and also seems to prevent severe cytokine storms. Basically it keeps your body from overreacting to Covid.
  • IMMUNE – Thirdly CBD seems to help with the immune response to Covid.

NOTE: CBD Interactions

Read the link below- CBD interacts with heart meds, and other metabolic and regulation systems, including some diabetes,  steroids, etc



Articles: Search CBD vs COVID

“patients previously taking CBD had significantly lower SARSCoV-2 infection incidence of up to an order of magnitude”



“Cannabis compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in vitro”


Band of marijuana leaves
Echinacea flowers

# 2: Supplements


Turmeric extract Turmeric cumin

Blunts the Flu – I’ve taken elderberry for years as protection against influenza, colds and other respiratory viruses that occur in winter.  It doesn’t directly defend against Covid though. I take this if I think I’ve been exposed to flu, before airplanes or buses, add immediately if I have any signs of flu and cold.

Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12

Some people think vitamin D protects you against Covid.  I’m deficient in vitamin D so I take it anyway. Get your vitamin D level checked by your doctor. Vitamin B 12 and vitamin D decrease as you get older.


I only take echinacia when I think I may have been exposed to influenza, rhinoviruse colds, or have strep throat – echinacea along with elderberry and honeysuckle tea blunt these. Echinacea doesn’t work if you take it more than 10 days. It requires a holiday that’s why I only take it if I think I’ve been exposed or have symptoms.

DAO – Diamine Oxidase
Quercertin + Bromelain
Vitamin C


Herbal tea cup and herbs

# 3: Honeysuckle Bud Herbal Tea

Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica buds) is a very common and important herb in Chinese medicine. It blocks Covid inside the cell. The buds are coated in a micro RNA called MIR2911. MIR2911 is produced naturally by the body, but production decreases as you age. It sticks to virus RNA in a spot it’s common to some viruses, including Influenza, Covid and Ebola. MIR2911 wrecks the “Printing” process of the virus.

I also include lemon grass because it’s extremely close relative citronella grass contains an anti-coronavirus spike compound, and I like to make my herbal tea taste better! 

 # 4: Keifer

Something in the probiotics of Kiefer (a fermented yogurt drink that’s full of bacteria species) seemed to blunt Covid infections. This makes sense because if I were a bacteria in my home or being attacked by Covid I will fight back. Your probiotics are soldiers in a war against disease.

# 5: Raw Cabbage

Only raw cabbage seems to fight Covid. Raw sauerkraut and kimchi also work. But if it’s cooked it doesn’t work. Make sure you eat the coleslaw with the Kentucky fried. My salad also has organic  tangerine zest, because tangerine oil is apparently anti-Covid.

3 kinds of kimchi in jars
#6 beans and greens on a plate

# 6: Beans & Greens

Classic peasant food full of pre-biotics, probiotics, fiber and micro nutrients. A diet with lots of whole grains, beans, and assortment of greens and plenty of different colored vegetables is my go to for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet



The Setting

Table setting with Mexican Luptia candles
Wabi Sabi owl plaster of Paris

 Fresh fruit

Spend money on fruit for dessert. Run away from sugar. People that eat four servings of fresh fruit a day have much better health. It is one of the most significant markers of good health In a global study.


Because I’m hothead. And every peasant knows beans and rice go with chili.


There is beauty in the world. Remind yourself. Put flowers on the table, add leaves. Staying connected with nature lifts my heart. Having flowers on the table is irrational. But it’s self-care, it’s a positive happy irrational thing. We are irrational creatures.  Especially if there’s an empty spot, put flowers there.


Lupita is the earth mother goddess of Mexico and what we need right now in this pandemic is lots of hugs and Tomales. Somewhere in the back of our minds we are all screaming for mama.

Wabi Sabi Owl

Wabi Sabi owl is looking down at your lunch and saying “all is impermanence”. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Even Covid will eventually end. So relax and have a nice lunch.



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