PROPOSED CAFE DELI MARKET & MEDIA CENTER By StevesIdeas@gmail.com Contol the narrative around BioFab* future foods, and present an amazing, positive, planet saving and health restoring story with a brick and mortar location.FUTURE CAFE WHY The Purpose of Future...
The Missing Sugar
The biofab industry is making proteins and oils… But people need carbs, where is the sugar?
Revenge of the Cows
Bow down to cows! Cows are coming for you, your children, your wallet, your water, land, air and most especially your health.
Kudu for Everyone!
Kudu is fantastically delicious: bad for the kudu. Now, South Africans are saving wildlife with high-tech cultivated meat.
Foodie Sub Domain
Obsessed with food and my anti-inflammatory diet. I’m going to spin out a separate subdomain for my 2500 photos of food I have created.
Anti-Covid Lunch
Plants against disease, at lunch. Recruiting plants to fight against Covid, RSV, and influenza.
My Anti-Flu Tincture
My dad's property has Mexican elderberries going on it (Sambucus mexicana or nigra or canadensis - the name seems unsettled). They are native to California and actually I find them beautiful. Elderberries decrease length of flu infections by 65% This is an old...