History Has Stopped

A crazy loop recursion is occurring as AI is writing the Internet, but AI also reads and learns from the Internet. It's learning its own craziness, as well as the lies and disinformation.

February 18, 2024

Sorry About Your Civilization

The entire Internet is filling up with AI content. And now a recursive loop that feeds back on itself is making the content.

Current AI systems learn by reading the Internet, then they generate content for the Internet.

Electric Sheep

AI also hallucinates (outdoor seating on jets?), which leads to the Internet getting fake history, bad medical advice, and fake maps. AI systems then read this fake info as real.

Bad People

Bad people filling the Internet with bad AI content in vast amounts: Russian troll farms, Chinese government hackers, Fox News lies, advertising agencies, religious actors, and just every day punks are posting distorted information. They are using AI to design very sophisticated and designed to manipulate your vote, your purchases, your decisions….

Rabid Mobs

For example, Fox News is 60% distortion/lies, designed to trigger fear, anger, or revulsion. Angry people are easier to program and manipulate. AI learns this! The Fox News followers are rabid and angry and repost everywhere. Russian troll bots amplify this using even more AI. AI reads this incorporates this.

Stupid AI

AI has no idea what it’s doing, it’s just assimilating and regurgitating. All this distortion is filling up the Internet. And being churned back at us. No one is going to know what’s real. History has stopped because our access to reality is doomed.

57% of Internet is now AI created or translated
Flow chart, AI, reads Internet, makes AI content, is contaminated by hallucinations and bad actors, makes more contaminated Internet

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