Revenge of the Cows

Bow down to cows! Cows are coming for you, your children, your wallet, your water, land, air and most especially your health.

April 16, 2024

I hated cows for a reason

At 12 years old, in the Mendocino Hills, I realized the cows were destroying the land, killing the wildflowers, making the streams and ponds putrid. The hills were stomped to stubble, torn by eroded gullies. Streams that were once beautiful, were trampled by cows, standing in the manure filled water and mud.

There is a solution, but first this message from Cows

How Cows are Getting Vengeance

The modern corporate food system. An entire system of corporate welfare and addictive foods. But cows are the focus because Americans love their meat, and cows are the most destructive.

And Americans believe whatever the corporations tell them to believe. Go to the next slide.


Environmental Destruction

18% of global greenhouse gas emissions

Most people know cows are burning us out of our home,

but there’s more… 

80% of Amazon Deforestation

Your “healthy grass fed” McBurger comes from the burning of Amazonia.  The forest is burned, the cows eat the grass then the land is ruined and more forest is burned.

Irony fact: Argentine’s is #2 for beef consumption. The deforestation in Amazonia has caused the drought in Argentina.


Just 16 pounds of beef equals one year of water for an American. 

That’s 2,400 gallons of water per lb of beef.

50% to 80% Putrid and Polluted

Meat production adds 100,000,000 pounds of pollution in our water system, that’s equal to 555,555,556 quarts of motor oil poured into our land and water every year.

Livestock putrifies 80% of exposed streams, 50% of rivers, 68% of all lakes and ponds

33% Cow Land

This land is cow land, 33% of the US land is committed to livestock, basically cows and farms growing feed.

Look at the amount used for soybeans and corn it’s just fed to cows and pigs mostly, that could feed the world. 

Processed Meat, Cigarettes and Asbestos

Processed meats are classified as carcinogens by the same category as tobacco smoking and asbestos.

Meat consumption = heart disease, stroke, cataracts, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers

$250 billion in Heath Cost from eating meat versus healthy vegan in the US yearly

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