Revenge of the Cows

Bow down to cows! Cows are coming for you, your children, your wallet, your water, land, air and most especially your health.

April 16, 2024

At 12 years old, in the Mendocino Hills, I realized the cows were destroying the land, eating the native wildflowers, making the streams and ponds putrid. The hills were chewed to stubble, torn by eroded gullies. Streams once clear, were trampled by cows, filled with manure and mud.


How Cows Are Getting Revenge

We torture cows and eat them, eat their babies, we shoot them full of drugs, we let them live in filth with horrible diseases. In response cows are part of destroying the world. And you know by cows that means giant corporations right? Corporations that will do almost anything for a profit.

Here I’ve gathered statistics from research papers:

  • Environmental damage
  • Health and welfare
  • Corruption
  • The Solutions

Skip down to the solution if you want. Links are at the very bottom of this article.

Note: Big Ag Data is Hard to Find

Maybe because Big Ag has armies of lobbyists, politicians, lawyers, PR agents, and people generating skewed science – just like the tobacco industry did. When you’re generating tens of billions of dollars in corporate welfare every year, you can afford to “donate” to politicians, judges and institutions.


 a cow on a US map, 33% of the land is cows

33% Cow Land

This land is cow land, 33% of the US land is committed to livestock, mostly cows and farms growing feed. The land used for feed could feed the world. Or it could massively restore our ecosystems, prevent flooding and act as a huge carbon sink.


 a man standing in a very large swimming pool

Monster Thirst

Just 16 pounds of beef equals one year of water for an American, and Americans use a lot of water. Alfalfa takes 56% of the Colorado River water, for cows mostly. People don’t waste water, cows waste water. Think about your water bill every time there’s a drought. It’s you or the cows.


 poster style, desolate brown landscape with a cow

11%-18% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is from Cows

The generally accepted number globally is 14.5% of climate change is caused by livestock rearing and all the consequences for the climate. Cows are a huge source of methane. If Americans swapped one serving of beef per day for chicken, their diets’ greenhouse gas emissions would fall 48% and water-use impact by 30%.


 Burning Amazonia, floating hamburger with American flag, poster style

80% of Amazon Deforestation

America is the #1 consumer of beef, and we import it. The “Healthy Grass Fed” McBurger comes from the burning of Amazonia. The forest is burned, the cows eat the grass, then the land is ruined and more forest is burned. Karma moment: Brazil and Argentina are #2 and #3 for beef consumption. The Amazonian deforestation has actually caused huge droughts in Argentina and Brazil, costing billions, and forcing the cattle industry into huge losses.


 a pipe dumping sludge into a stream in the mountains, poster style

Dirty Business: 50% to 80% Putrid and Polluted

Meat production adds 100,000,000 pounds of pollution in our water system, that’s equal to 555,555,556 quarts of motor oil poured into our land and water every year. Livestock putrefies 80% of exposed streams, 50% of rivers, 68% of all lakes and ponds. In the oceans, this pollution brings poisonous tides and dead zones. This includes huge amounts of manure, trampling, pesticides, herbicides, all kinds of weird chemicals, antibiotics and a surprisingly large amount of air pollution. US average soil loss rate is 5.8 tons per acre per year on fertile lands, a financial loss of $8 billion per year.


 skeleton animals and insects, with two trees

We Need Nature

Not want, need. Biodiversity loss is serious: ecosystem services include cleaning the water and air. Collapsed biodiversity leads to increased invasive species, wildfires, plagues, pests, drought, and floods. Biodiversity supports billions of dollars in tourism, sustainably harvested materials, food and a vast biological encyclopedia of genetics for medicine, material science, and crops. Nature also supports human mental health significantly. Cows literally stomp our wildland diversity to death. They eat endangered plants and pollute everything. Five primary pressures—land-use and sea-use change, overexploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, and the spread of invasive species—are causing steep biodiversity loss. Already, the decline in ecosystem functionality costs the global economy more than $5 trillion a year in the form of lost natural services.


 a giant ashtray filled with cigarettes, a pile of processed meats, a pile of asbestos

Processed Meat, Cigarettes, and Asbestos

Processed meats are classified as carcinogens in the same category as tobacco smoking and asbestos. Between 30% and 40% of cows end up as processed products. And this chemically processed food is on top of growth hormones, antibiotics, and other drugs fed to cows. Red meat consumption increases heart disease, obesity, stroke, cataracts, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Only 12% of the population eats 50% of the beef, and those people tend to be men 50-65 years old. You’re paying for their very expensive medical care. Tobacco and beef have a lot in common.


 a poster of microbes and virus shapes

Feeling Sick

Cows are factories creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to overuse of antibiotics in livestock. Meat and poultry directly cause more than 10 million cases of food-borne illness, and are the source of contamination in other foods. Cows transmit zoonotic diseases (diseases transmitted from animals to humans), such as avian flu, swine flu, and COVID-19. Approximately 80% of raw beef has antibiotic-resistant E. coli and/or salmonella. And now it’s been discovered that milk in America has H5N1 bird flu virus and H5N1 kills 55% of humans. Cows have also infected wildlife, killing bald eagles for example, with H5N1, acting as a disease reservoir.

Not Included with BioFab:

  • Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella: Strains of Salmonella that are resistant to multiple antibiotics.
  • Antibiotic-Resistant Campylobacter: Strains of Campylobacter that are resistant to antibiotics.
  • Multidrug-Resistant E. coli: E. coli strains that are resistant to multiple antibiotics.
  • Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE): Mad cow disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disease.
  • Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV): A virus linked to human breast cancer.
  • Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD): A complex disease often involving multiple pathogens.
  • Avian Influenza A(H5N1): the deadly Bird Flu now found in cows milk and has infected farmworkers.
  • Influenza D Virus: A type of influenza that primarily affects cattle but can also infect humans.
  • Q Fever: Caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Leptospirosis: A bacterial infection that can be transmitted through contact with urine from infected cattle.
  • Campylobacteriosis: Caused by Campylobacter bacteria, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Salmonellosis: Caused by Salmonella bacteria, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Cryptosporidiosis: Caused by the parasite Cryptosporidium, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Ringworm: A fungal infection that can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Chlamydiosis: A bacterial infection that can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Listeriosis: Caused by Listeria bacteria, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Yersiniosis: Caused by Yersinia bacteria, which can be transmitted from cattle to humans.
  • Infections with Pathogenic Strains of Escherichia coli: Certain strains can cause severe illness in humans.
  • Mycobacterium paratuberculosis: Linked to Johne’s disease in cattle and Crohn’s disease in humans.
  • MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection.
  • Rabies: A viral disease that can be transmitted through bites from infected animals.
  • Anthrax: A bacterial infection that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
  • COVID-19: Caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, linked to zoonotic transmission.
  • Betacoronavirus 1 (HCoV-OC43): A common cold virus that has been linked to zoonotic origins.


 healthy people surrounded by vegetables fruits and containers

$250 Billion in Health Costs

If America went vegan we would save $250 billion in healthcare costs, and possibly as much as $1 trillion. And vegans have higher quality of life in old age because they have fewer painful, disabling and debilitating diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. Healthy vegan diet Americans could save $360 billion in actual food costs.

$1 – $3 Trillion in Total Savings for Going Vegan

This insane number may not include costs of infections, injuries, pandemics, climate disasters, etc. It includes erosion, eco-services and biodiversity losses and equals $3000 and $10,000 per person.


 a cow on a throne, surrounded by pig shaped plutocrats and piles of money

USDA Livestock Subsidies Top $59 Billion

A pound of hamburger would cost $30 without any government subsidies. Subsidies and financial support for industrial livestock farming perpetuate unsustainable practices and distort market prices. Subsidy calculations don’t include those paid to farmers who grow animal feed like corn and soybeans, which topped $160 billion between 1995 and 2020.


 a pig behind a counter with money, pill jars, syringes and a dark mat figure carrying a briefcase in front

Strange Flavors

Four companies: Cargill, Tyson Foods, JBS, and National Beef Packing—control 55% to 85% of the hog, cattle, and chicken markets. Not little farms, not family ranches.

There are many flavors of corruption in the animal products industry. Including poisoning our political system: “donating” to politicians, manipulating laws to favor BigAg, changing label requirements, getting a pass from restrictions on pollution or antibiotic use or levels of toxins.

Food fraud, includes false labeling, such as adding other kinds of meats or fillers than the label says, adulterating food with off label ingredients, dyes, drugs, labeling foreign meat as American, falsely claiming food is organic or sustainable, etc. In Italy, 57% of processed meat was falsely labeled. Finding data on this is difficult.

Then there’s media influence, corrupting science like the tobacco industry did, and very sophisticated marketing such as the anti-vegan campaign, or discrediting the EPA. And then there’s claiming factory farmed pork is “the other white meat”.


Right Now You Can:

  • Quit red meat. Eat chicken. Have vegetarian meals with eggs and cheese. Go vegan and save yourself your health from the American diet.
  • Change Old Men! 50% of beef is eaten by 12% of the population: Men 50 to 65 years old. Change their behavior. Male baby boomers masculinity is hitched to beef, unhitch it.
  • Fight corporate ag welfare. Call or write your politicians, tell your friends the real statistics. At least $20 billion a year probably a lot more money goes to BigAg welfare queens. Only four companies control BigMeat.
  • Stop buying processed foods from corporate giants. Buy local. Eat simple. Buy whole fresh foods. Tell your friends and family to quit addictive junk food, because that feeds the 12 giant global corporations that control almost all brands. Reject them. Reject corruption.
  • Going vegan right now would save the US hundreds of billions of dollars in all of the cost related to livestock agriculture. Current vegan food costs would save American families $360 billion.



#1 Thing
You Can Do


 scientist holding a test tube with a sunburst and Bio Fab machines

Support BioFab

Biofab is here now but it’s going to save us in the future. Between population and resource demands, climate chaos, environmental destruction, and rapid economic and cultural change, there is no choice. Climate chaos is wrecking agriculture globally.

What is BioFab

BioFabrication is growing things in vats, labs or other factory type technologies. Like brewing beer, but applying our leading edge technologies, such as molecular biology, simulation, chemistry, robotics, AI, genetic engineering, optogenetics, and microbiology.

BioFab technologies include: precision fermentation (Growing products with microbes ), Cellular cultivation (Growing cells – such as chocolate or beef), simple fermentation, and can include photochemical and electrochemical processes (butter made from air and hydrogen, with no biological processes).

Most BioFab products are created using genetic modification (aka GMO) in some way or some part of the process. But some use selection, the way broccoli was created, by repeatedly selecting only the best microbes until you get what you want.

About GMO

GMO & Disinformation

Genetically modified organism (GMO) means lots of things. Anti-GMO media is most spurred on by higher life transgenic GMO’s, like salmon with strawberry DNA. But there are many types of GMO: transgenic, knock-out, knock-in, anti-sense, RNA interference (RNAi), CRISPR-Cas9 edited, and cisgenic. And these are fantastic tools for saving our world.

GMOs are Natural

Nature creates GMOs on its own, all sweet potatoes are natural transgenic GMO’s. Corn, cows, broccoli, marijuana, pumpkins are human creations, they are not natural, and never occurred in wild.

GMO is Everywhere, Some Great- some not great

Cheese is GMO
Less than 5% of cheese in the United States is made using animal rennet. The majority of North American cheese is made with precision fermentation rennet, and ingredient labels do not distinguish between biofab rennet and the original animal-based type.

90% of: cheese, canola, sugar beets, tobacco and insulin are GMO. Many vitamins, flavorings, salmon, vegetables, coloring have been GMO for a long time now. And 93% of corn, 97% of cotton, and 95% of soybeans are GMO. Dairy cows are given recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBHG) and fed GMO crops.

GMO is a Tool for Evil

Unfortunately, corporations, governments and institutions can use GMO to do evil things. And the classic example of this is Monsanto Round-Up Ready GMO crops. Just search “Monsanto is evil.”

GMO is Our Savior

GMO tech can route around evil corporations. It can create new medicines, recycle electronics, clean up toxins— and replace cows! Many biofab foods aren’t GMO but GMO is definitely part of the big solution to saving our planet. GMO will provide:

  • Beef and dairy, inexpensive, pesticide free, antibiotic free, disease free!
  • Incredibly delicious vegan foods, like mushroom steak
  • New foods for health and the environment
  • Completely safe biodegradable plastics
  • Plants that make their own fertilizer



BioFab Foods are Here Now

Get Rid of Cows with BioFab Now

  • Stop being afraid of clean lab grown beef, sushi and lobster
  • Support the creation of cellular cultivation
  • Support new microbial foods
  • Don’t believe ignorant GMO and disinformation

Take a Look Thru the links section below

30%-40% of the 2023 food supply was lost as waste.

Cow Links


Good Food Institute- #1 place food innovation and saving the planet

Raw corruption

Water pollution 

Cow Chems List 

Meat policies 

Four Corporations 

The meat industry 


Meat’s Environmental Impact 


12% eat 50% of the beef 



Sweet farm climate refuge 

Biodiversity loss 

Total US  food cost is closer to $3.2 trillion. 

Natural GMO’s
Called horizontal gene transfer, occurs naturally throughout the living world, including all sweet potatoes, for example. 


Chipotle Scarecrow 


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