Scratch Users Community

I am building a Buddypress portal and community site for users of Scratch, from Assimilate. Scratch is a digital convergent toolset for the movie and media industry. It’s built on J query masonry, so everything is in little boxes of widgetized posts. These posts then resort to fit any size or shape of display, which […]

October 12, 2013

I am building a Buddypress portal and community site for users of Scratch, from Assimilate. Scratch is a digital convergent toolset for the movie and media industry. It’s built on J query masonry, so everything is in little boxes of widgetized posts. These posts then resort to fit any size or shape of display, which was needed because many people will be interacting on 16:9 HD ratio displays (Such as the Surface Pro), as well as tablets, phablets and phones.

Infinitely wide

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